Monday, October 26, 2009

Heebie Jeebies

A neighbor came over to visit last week and this is what greeted her on our front porch.......

Mr. hairy, long legs, bigger than *@&#, creepy, crawley
He was about as big as your hand stretched out!

I have to say that our neighbor is an elementary school teacher and she was sooo excited!
  Yes, excited!
  I was blubbering and whimpering...but she insisted on catching it.  She could hardly wait to take it to school and show her students.
We were more than happy to get rid of it, but we did have to catch it first.
The first couple of containers were too small...then I found one big enough and with some manuevering and quickness, Mr. Barlow and neighbor caught it.
The picture above was taken through plastic wrap.
I don't know anything about taranulas.  I really don't care.  I'm just glad it's gone from my space.
This must be my personal welcome to Halloween.


Jen Jenkins said...

That is so creepy! I can't believe that was at your house!!!! Remember the spider in Cancun? Good times...

Kathy said...

Oh my goodness! If I found one of those at my house I would have to move. Spiders and I do not get along well. You should have kept it for a pet :)!

Heidi said...

Ohhhh.....that would scare my girls to death. I hear them screaming all the time with little tiny spiders. have a huge one is very scarey!